Social Determinants of Health

HHS Using Real-Time Data to Help Combat the Opioid Crisis

by Jessica Kent

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has announced an agreement with Millennium Health, an accredited specialty laboratory, to combat the opioid crisis using near real-time drug testing...

Capturing Social Determinants of Health to Effect Lasting Change

by Kyle Murphy, PhD

Providers and payers have come to the realization that effecting system change requires a more comprehensive understanding of the patient beyond the clinical encounter. Social determinants of health...

Best Practices to Develop a Social Determinants of Health Strategy

by Emily Sokol, MPH

Addressing the social determinants of health (SDOH) in a community can seem like an insurmountable task, but Humana’s best practices show that a changing health system is ready to tackle these problems. The SDOH are factors outside...

How Geographic Data Can Help Address Social Determinants of Health

by Emily Sokol, MPH

A patient’s social determinants of health contribute more to her health than her genetic code or her medical care. These social determinants of health are factors outside of the traditional healthcare setting that impact an...

MGH Study Links Socioeconomic Status and Cardiovascular Disease

by Emily Sokol, MPH

A recent study by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) discovered a link between socioeconomic status and cardiovascular risk, making clear the need to better understand the social determinants of...

Combating Chronic Disease through the Social Determinants of Health

by Jennifer Bresnick

Healthcare providers do their very best to understand everything they need to know about their patients during the few scant minutes they are able to spend with each individual.  Once or twice a year, or maybe when a sore throat...

Addressing Chronic Disease with Population Health Management Strategies

by Jessica Kent

Chronic diseases are among the most costly, prevalent, and avoidable ailments impacting population health. Conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and opioid addiction claim thousands of lives and...