Gene Therapy

Cancer Database Paves the Way for Precision Medicine Therapies

by Jessica Kent

Researchers from the Johns Hopkins departments of oncology and pathology, the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine, and 18 other organizations...

Gene Expression Database May Help Curb Antibiotic Resistance

by Jessica Kent

A gene expression database analyzed different strains of the bacteria that causes pneumonia, meningitis, and middle ear infections, which could lead to new treatments for these conditions and curb...

Biomarker Identifies Patients Who Don’t Respond to Precision Medicine

by Jessica Kent

Researchers from Penn Medicine have discovered a new biomarker that identifies which patients with aggressive lymphoma won’t respond to a precision medicine treatment called ibrutinib. The...

$1.3M Grant Will Advance Precision Medicine for Pediatric Cancer

by Jessica Kent

Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania (CHOP) and Gustave Roussy, a cancer research organization based in France, have received a $1.3 million grant from neuroblastoma clinical research charities to...

UCSF Aims to Apply Precision Medicine Techniques to Diabetes

by Jessica Kent

UC San Francisco (UCSF) is using a $1 million grant to build a first-of-its-kind diagnostic center that will aim to use precision medicine methods to find targeted therapies for type 1 diabetes. The...

Data Scientists Use Machine Learning to Discover COVID-19 Treatments

by Jessica Kent

Using machine learning algorithms, two data scientists are working to quickly discover effective treatments for COVID-19. For more coronavirus updates, visit our resource page, updated twice...

New Gene Therapies Institute Aims to Address Regulatory Barriers

by Jessica Kent

The Institute for Gene Therapies (IGT), a new advocacy foundation focused on policy issues surrounding gene therapies, recently launched with the goal of modernizing US regulatory and reimbursement...