
Using Machine Learning For Personalized Breast Cancer Screenings 


Researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and Jameel Clinic for Machine Learning and Health studied the use of machine learning to...

De-Identified Data to Improve Health Equity, Research 


Truveta and LexisNexis Risk Solutions announced a strategic partnership that will use de-identified data to improve the quality of all health research and enable new insights on health...

Machine Learning Predicts C. Diff Infection


According to recently published data from the Association for Professionals in Infection Control (APIC), several commonly used machine learning algorithms (MLAs) can accurately predict which...

IBM Agrees to Sale of Watson Data, Analytics Assets to Francisco Partners  


Today, IBM and Francisco Partners announced a definitive agreement under which Francisco Partners will acquire data and analytics assets from its Watson Health business, multiple outlets...

Updated Diabetes Standards Target Improved Chronic Disease Management 


The American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (ADCES) announced new updates to the National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management...

Using Biomarkers to Prevent, Cure Neurological Disorders   


To better understand why so many individuals worldwide suffer from brain diseases, Cleveland Clinic has launched a new study aiming to identify disease biomarkers early, preventing...

Data Shows Population Health Disparities in Cancer Screenings 


Data analytics from the University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHealth Houston) indicate a decline in cervical cancer screenings. According to researchers, screening rates are the lowest...

AI Imaging Techniques, Clinical Data Improve Predictive Models 


With the assistance of artificial intelligence imaging techniques and clinical data, physicians can improve predictive models indicating a...

Industry Leaders Announce Artificial Intelligence Coalition


Leaders across healthcare, academia, and technology announced the formation of the Artificial Intelligence Industry Innovation Coalition (AI3C).   The coalition will collaborate with...

AI Detects Cancerous Lesions in Mammography Scans 


Duke University researchers have created an artificial intelligence platform to analyze potentially cancerous lesions in mammography scans and determine whether patients should...

Data Analysis Model to Help Reveal Potential Infertility Treatments 


A data analysis model created by University of Minnesota researchers could identify potential treatments for women facing infertility issues.   Researchers examined data...

Artificial Intelligence Provides Precise Treatment Recommendations 


Case Western Reserve University researchers are using artificial intelligence to identify which patients with certain head and neck cancers would benefit from reducing the intensity of...

NIH Grant Supports Machine Learning to Improve HIV Patient Outcomes


 The National Institutes of Health awarded Brown University grants totaling $4.6 million to support the use of machine learning to improve outcomes for patients with HIV.   Working...

Improving Prostate Cancer Screening Accessibility, Population Health 


To improve population health, Cornell University researchers have developed a highly portable and rapid prostate cancer screening kit. The kit is intended to indicate early warning signs to...

Gene Inhibiting Assists Chronic Disease Prevention, Targeted Therapy 


According to researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital, an olfactory receptor gene that aids in the sense of smell could play a role in the metastasis of breast cancer to the brain. By inhibiting...

Partnership to Improve Population Health, Chronic Disease Management 


To improve population health and chronic disease management, the American Diabetes Association and Renalytix have announced a joint program to enhance the overall kidney health of patients...

Data Analysis Indicates Preeclampsia Risk


According to a data analysis of medical records for a racially diverse group of over 6,000 women, there is evidence that a combination of biological, social, and cultural factors are responsible for...

Machine Learning Helps Repair Genetic Damage


Using machine learning techniques, researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital and the National Cancer Research Centre, have discovered how to repair genetic damage to prevent DNA...

Genetic Mutation Data Indicates Ovarian Cancer Risk 


Cedars Sinai scientists have found the origins of a common ovarian cancer by modeling fallopian tube tissue, allowing physicians to determine how genetic mutations increase an individual’s...

Improving Risk Prediction for Chronic Disease Management 


For better chronic disease management, Boston University researchers recommend replacing the term “race” with underlying factors that indicate an increased risk for heart attacks...