
Case Report Demonstrates Potential Utility of AI in AFib Detection


In a recent case report published in Cureus, researchers discussed the benefits and challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare while presenting a case of atrial fibrillation (AFib)...

ChatGPT Provides Accurate Information on Cancer Myths, Misconceptions


In a study published last week in the Journal of The National Cancer Institute (JNCI) Cancer Spectrum, researchers from the University of Utah found that large language model (LLM)...

Model Predicts Neurodevelopmental Outcomes, Death in Preterm Infants


A study published earlier this month in JAMA Network Open demonstrates that a newly-developed multimodal model using brain function information and other risk factors can improve the prediction of...

Partnership to Support National Gastroenterology-Focused Clinical Registry


The GI Quality Improvement Consortium, Inc. (GIQuIC), a joint collaboration of the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) and American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), has launched a...

Socioeconomic Data Analysis Reveals Health Equity Barriers


Researchers from Utica University recently leveraged socioeconomic data to gain insights into generational poverty and other health equity barriers that impact patients’ ability to prioritize...

Almost Half of Health Systems Use AI for Workforce Issues 


With support from Outbound AI, the Health Management Academy (the Academy) conducted a survey showing that due to common staffing issues within health systems, many C-suite executives are using...

Google Shares Health AI, Large Language Model Research Updates


At Google’s annual health event, The Check Up, earlier this week, the tech company provided updates on its health artificial intelligence (AI) research, including improvements in its medical...

Deep-Learning Tool Helps Identify Patients with Cirrhosis


Researchers from the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) have developed a deep-learning (DL) approach that can identify patients with cirrhosis using clinical text in EHRs, according to a study...

Predictive Scoring System Supports Brain Hemorrhage Risk Reduction


A recent study published in JAMA Network Open found that patients with unruptured arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) benefited from a predictive scoring system developed based on several risk factors,...

UPMC Explores Machine Learning’s Potential to Personalize HIV Testing


In a recent article published by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC), Sarah Wheeler, PhD, an associate professor of pathology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,...

NJ Population Health Data Initiative Approves Pilot Projects


The New Jersey Integrated Population Health Data (iPHD) project approved pilot funding and the release of data for multiple research proposals addressing the project’s four top health priorities:...

NLP Tools Predict Cancer Survival Using Routinely Collected Data


Researchers have found that natural language processing (NLP) tools can predict the survival of patients with cancer using their initial oncologist consultation document without additional data,...

Researchers Develop Health Equity Data Dashboard for Medicare Plans


Research recently published in The American Journal of Managed Care describes the design and evaluation of a dashboard that presents health equity performance data to Medicare Advantage (MA)...

AI for Psychiatric Diagnosis Presents Bias, Clinical Applicability Issues


A systematic review published last week in JAMA Network Open evaluating potential risks of translating neuroimaging-based artificial intelligence (AI) models into direct clinical applications, such as...

AI Model Enables Alzheimer’s Disease Detection from Brain MRIs


Published in PLOS ONE, a recent study described how a team of researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) developed and validated an artificial intelligence (AI) model, specifically a...

AI Could Safely Automate Some X-ray Interpretation


In a study published this week in Radiology, researchers sought to investigate the clinical impact of autonomous radiograph reporting using a commercially available artificial intelligence (AI) tool...

AI Shows Promise in Improving Orthopedic Surgery Documentation


Research presented at the 2023 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Annual Meeting evaluated multiple clinical documentation modalities to determine the overall quality and how long each...

New Artificial Intelligence-Based App Detects Mpox Rashes


Researchers from Stanford University and other institutions have created an artificial intelligence (AI)-based app, called PoxApp, that can capture photos of skin lesions and provide insight as to...

AI Model Provides Insights into Long-Term Traumatic Brain Injury Risk


Stanford University researchers are leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to help identify which computational models perform best at modeling mechanical stress on the brain, which may help drive...

AI Offers Personalized Care Recommendations to Curb Heart Disease Risk


Researchers have validated a causal artificial intelligence model designed to identify a patient’s inherited risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) and provide personalized recommendations for...