Patient Outcomes

AI Partnership to Reduce Emergency Department Length of Stay 

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Novant Health, a health network of over 1,800 physicians with 15 medical centers across three states, and Aidoc, the leading provider of enterprise-grade artificial intelligence solutions for medical...

De-Identified Data to Improve Health Equity, Research 

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Truveta and LexisNexis Risk Solutions announced a strategic partnership that will use de-identified data to improve the quality of all health research and enable new insights on health...

Industry Leaders Announce Artificial Intelligence Coalition

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Leaders across healthcare, academia, and technology announced the formation of the Artificial Intelligence Industry Innovation Coalition (AI3C).   The coalition will collaborate with...

What Are the Benefits of Natural Language Processing Technology?  

by Erin McNemar, MPA

To deliver quality care and positive patient outcomes, researchers and clinicians need comprehensive patient data and medical literature.   However, since 80 percent of essential data lies in...

High-Quality Data Essential to Achieving Whole-Person Patient Care

by Erin McNemar, MPA

 During the second annual Payer and Provider Virtual Summit, experts emphasize the role of high-quality data to achieve whole-person care.  Whole person care is the concept that the best way to...

Artificial Intelligence Provides Precise Treatment Recommendations 

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Case Western Reserve University researchers are using artificial intelligence to identify which patients with certain head and neck cancers would benefit from reducing the intensity of...

What Is the Role of Data Analytics in Population Health Management? 

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Population health management has become an important method for improving community health. As the population health management market continues to develop in the healthcare space, systems must gather data from multiple sources, apply...

NCQA Completes First Data Aggregator Validation Cohort 

by Erin McNemar, MPA

The National Committee for Quality Assurance announced the successful conclusion of its first Data Aggregator Validation cohort as well as the validation of ten clinical data streams and...

How Population Health, Risk Stratification Support Value-Based Care 

by Erin McNemar, MPA

During the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations witnessed the consequences of fee-for-service as providers and patients struggled with communication and revenue.   While value-based care...

Education Partnership To Improve Artificial Intelligence Practices

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Moderna recently announced the launch of its Artificial Intelligence Academy. Partnering with Carnegie Mellon University, the AI Academy is intended to educate employees in integrating AI and machine...

Adopting AI to Improve Patient Outcomes, Cost Savings, Health Equality

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Healthcare executives are increasingly looking at artificial intelligence to improve patient outcomes, support cost savings, and promote health equality. According to the fourth annual Optum Survey on...

Data Analytics Indicates Vaccination Reduces the Risk of Long-COVID

by Erin McNemar, MPA

According to a study by Arcadia, data analytics shows that current vaccines reduce the risk of long-COVID, even when administered up to 12 weeks after a COVID-19 diagnosis. Working collaboratively...

Machine Learning Supports Breast Cancer Diagnosis Predictions

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Michigan Technology University researchers developed a machine learning model that uses probability to classify breast cancer more accurately in histopathology images and evaluate the uncertainty of...

Limiting Bias in Artificial Intelligence Tools, Personalized Medicine

by Erin McNemar, MPA

As more research looks to use medical data for artificial intelligence tools and personalized medicine, a new study shows how unintentional bias can impact design efforts. Additionally, the study...

How CVS Health Uses NCCN Guidelines to Advance Precision Medicine

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Organizations are constantly looking for ways to enhance treatment and patient experience. By incorporating National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines and precision medicine, CVS Health is working to improve cancer patient...

Artificial Intelligence, MRI Detect Early Signs Of Tumor Cell Death

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) researchers found that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to detect early signs of tumor cell death in response to a...

Data Analytics Reveals Significant Drop in Cancer Screening in 2020

by Erin McNemar, MPA

In 2020, many patients delayed care due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the vaccine rollout and cases declining from last year, data analytics indicates that significant decreases in CT imaging for...

Artificial Intelligence Works To Identify How Diseases Alter The Body

by Erin McNemar, MPA

With artificial intelligence, researchers have developed a method for providing insight into how diseases or injuries change the body, down to individual cells. The imaging tool known as TDAExplore...

Data Analytics Highlights Health Disparities In Cancer Clinical Trials

by Erin McNemar, MPA

According to a data analytics study examining health disparities in cancer clinical trials, certain populations remain underrepresented despite attempts to increase participation. By including...

Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Biomarker A Potential Therapy Target

by Erin McNemar, MPA

Boston University School of Medicine researchers have discovered a metabolic enzyme and pathway in some triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) patients. According to researchers, the hope is that their...