Emergency Medicine

Johns Hopkins Develops Real-Time Data Dashboard to Track Coronavirus

by Jessica Kent

The Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University has developed an interactive, web-based dashboard that tracks real-time data on confirmed coronavirus cases, deaths,...

Machine Learning Tool Predicts Hospitalizations for Asthma Patients

by Jessica Kent

Using machine learning, researchers developed a more accurate model to predict hospital encounters for asthma patients, which could improve asthma outcomes and reduce care costs, according to a study...

Chronic Conditions Account for $8.3B in Avoidable ED Visits

by Jessica Kent

Emergency department (ED) visits for people with at least one chronic condition contributed to nearly 60 percent of all annual visits in 2017 and $8.3 billion in spending, says a report from...

How Many Emergency Department Visits are Really Avoidable?

by Jennifer Bresnick

Reducing emergency department utilization is a top goal for many population health management and value-based care initiatives, but how many trips to the ED could actually be classified as...