Quality & Governance News

AMA Seeks More Oversight of Prior Authorization Artificial Intelligence

The AMA has adopted a policy calling for health insurers who use AI for prior authorization to implement a fairer, more thorough process to ensure timely patient care.

prior authorization automation AI

Source: Getty Images

By Shania Kennedy

- During its recent Annual Meeting, the American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates adopted a policy calling for increased regulatory oversight of health insurers’ use of artificial intelligence in the prior authorization process.

The new policy urges payers to ensure that their practices for reviewing patient claims and prior authorization requests are thorough and fair. The AMA suggests that these processes be based on clinical criteria and include reviews from healthcare professionals with expertise in the service being reviewed and no incentives to deny care.

Additionally, the new policy seeks for payers to require a human examination of a patient's records prior to any care denial.