Tools & Strategies News

Voice Biomarker Can Predict Coronary Artery Disease Events

New research led by Mayo Clinic shows that a preidentified voice biomarker can assist in evaluating heart health, enabling clinicians to detect clogged arteries.

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By Mark Melchionna

- A research team led by Mayo Clinic created an artificial intelligence (AI) computer-based algorithm that can use voice biomarkers to locate clogged arteries, helping clinicians detect heart conditions.

The study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings included 108 participants who participated in three 30-second voice recordings using a smartphone app called Vocalis Health. All recordings took place between Jan. 1, 2015, and Feb. 28, 2017.

The app leveraged an algorithm that analyzed participants' voice samples, identifying more than 80 voice recording features, such as frequency, amplitude, pitch, and cadence. Researchers took six features highly correlated with coronary artery disease (CAD) and combined them to form a single score. One-third of patients in the study received a high score and two-thirds a low score.